Monday, March 3, 2014

Every nation, tribe and tongue

My husband and I had the amazing privilege of serving in India for almost two weeks. We served with Children's Fellowship of India, the orphanage with whom Never Forsaken has partnered with in ministry. CFI is home to 179 orphan boys in central India and the work they do there is incredible. These boys are fed the Word of God continually and poured into by men & women who love the Lord and love them. CFI is a bright beacon of light in the middle of a very spiritually dark land. These boys have literally been rescued in every sense of the word!
I could go into detail about exactly what we did while we were there but I think it is  more profits to share what I learned while there. It's amazing to me how you go on a missions trip to serve and be a blessing and yet end up walking away with so much! 
So I want to share the two biggest things that impacted me during our time there. First, American Christians as a whole lack something that the Indian people possess much of! It is a heart of service and hospitality. They have so little and yet they freely open their homes and serve others. You don't go into an Indian home without being served. You are immediately offered tea or soda and often food. This is true even in the majority of  Indian stores as well. It continually made me think of how Jesus has called us to be hospitable and serve others. We are often so busy with our own lives and don't really take the time to give of ourselves to others, even in a simple thing like opening our home at a moments notice. We could take a lesson in service & hospitality from the Indian people. To them, it's their culture, to us as believers it should be a calling! 

Secondly, I was reminded of how big our God is and what a small part of His kingdom I am! I would sit in a worship time with the staff of CFI and just soak in what was happening. There we were, the Indians singing and praying in their native tongue and the American team doing the same in ours. And while we may have needed a translator to understand each other, God did not! He heard and understood us all equally. He was glorified equally by the worship of every individual there. I would listen to the Hindi singing and while I could not understand the words I could feel the worship! It was an awesome reminder of the fact that we are all one in Christ! As believers we are brothers and sisters in Him, regardless of language barriers and cultural differences. And God is glorified immensely by that unity! 
So I came back challenged to take God out of my "American box". To take a look at my busy life and see how I can better serve others. To remember that God is big enough to hear every prayer and every song in every language and yet still personal enough to know me by name. 

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